Treehaus Botanicals was born in Berlin in the fall of 2020, out of a deep desire to create something that merged my passions, while filling a need I had in my own life.

The result combines my love for creating a great vibe in my own home, and turning a home into a sanctuary, with my love for plants, herbs, and flowers, and all that they can do, my passion for healing and cultivating self love, and working creatively with my hands.

The products. Treehaus Botanicals’ talisman sprays are not perfumes, but rather multipurpose aromatherapeutic fragrances with a focus on the spiritual and magical qualities of the ingredients used.

The talisman sprays additionally contain a mix of handmade, sometimes wildcrafted, botanical hydrosols from rose, mugwort, valerian, rosemary, lavender, and others.

All of the fragrances are mild, more like a light body spray than a heavy perfume. This is so you can re-apply when the emotional need occurs, but more importantly so that they can also be used by those who are very sensitive to scents, or are prone to headaches or migraines.

The ritual bath salts are high quality bath products, meant for ritual work, but with all the health benefits of regular bath salts.
The idea for making ritual bath salts came from a love of the fragrance blends used in the talisman sprays, and wanting to use them in other practices.

The need. When coming up with the formulas for the talisman sprays, I would reflect on all the times I’d left the house feeling anxious or stressed, and how I would put on a crystal or dab some essential oils on my wrist, but needing something more that that. Or how often I’d try to shop for a complex perfume that really resonated with me, but in a deeper way than just: “this smells nice”. In short, I reflected on how often I’d reached for something that wasn’t there, and I wanted to bring that product into existence. I wanted to create a scent that was so light, I would be able to use it in the morning while doing yoga, but re-apply before leaving the house, as a spiritual shield to protect my energy. As an intention.
After the original idea for Protect, other scents came to me in the same way: from a need in my own life.
Stressed out by a triggering text message, I wanted to have an instant way to help me feel grounded, other than just breathing.
Feeling cute, or feeling the need for more abundance or love in my life, I wanted a scent that would reflect that feeling of calling in prosperity and love.

The usage. Using scents as intentions, I mix essential oils and hydrosols based not just on how pleasant they smell, but based on their spiritual and magical properties. How have these herbs been used by witches and healers in folk medicine throughout human history? Having that as a starting point, instead of simply what smells nice, already infuses the blends with intention, while the act of putting on perfume is already in itself ritualistic in nature. Combining the intention and the act is at the core of manifestation.

These scents are meant to be used depending on your mood, and what you’re trying to manifest for yourself in the moment.
Put them on like a talisman, like you’d put on your black tourmaline for protection, wear them as a way to set an intention for your day, or to ward off negative energy.
Mix and layer them according to your own unique moods and needs.

Flora Amalie, Berlin 2021